Potato Head Jazz Band in concert
Estado del evento
- Estado: Finished
Detalles del evento
23rd of December,
Matadero Madrid
Free admission until full capacity is reached
Considered the best Twenties jazz band, Potato Head Jazz Band has been playing in Spain and across Europe for fifteen years. Their concert will fill the Matadero Plaza stage with the sounds and songs that boosted the popularity of the Afro-American musical genre that changed everything.
Estado del evento
- Estado: Finished
Detalles del evento
23rd of December,
Matadero Madrid
Free admission until full capacity is reached
Accessibility type
- Telephone: 913 184 670
- https://www.mataderomadrid.org/
- Contact us: info@mataderomadrid.org
- Renfe: Embajadores
- Metro: Legazpi (líneas 3, 6)
- Bus: 123, 22, 79, 148, 18, 6, 78, 45, 8, 19, 247, 47, 59, 62, 76, 85, 86, 156, 180, T32
- Bicimad: Estación 177 (calle Bolívar, 3)

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